Monkwick Junior School and Monkwick Infant School promote ReflectEd at the Sigma Trust’s Summer Fete.
On Thursday 28th June, the schools of the Sigma Trust came together to share educational ideas and research at the Stanway School. Mr Visagie and Mrs Rhodes ran a stall on half of our schools to share some of the work we’ve been doing in developing metacognition through ReflectEd.
ReflectEd is part of a research trial run by Rosendale Primary School in London in partnership with the University of York, which aims to develop children’s skills in understanding how learning happens – ‘metacognition’. It is believed to be one of the most effective ways of improving progress of children in receipt of pupil premium. We are one of only about 150 schools in the country who are part of the trial.
Mr Visagie brought the juggling balls that year 5 have been using with him for staff to try out – I’m pleased to say that our year 5 children were much better at it!
We had a great time seeing all the great practice going on in our partner schools, and learnt lots of new things that we can’t wait to use at Monkwick – even our staff never stop learning!