> Monkwick Junior School 10046654 Final Report
Please click the above link to download our latest Ofsted report.
Overall, the school has been judged as ‘Requires Improvement’ by Ofsted, which matches our own current evaluation of the school. We are still at an early stage of our journey of improvement, and we know there is still work to do. There are also many positives in the report, and we are delighted that it identifies the progress made over the last academic year. Ofsted reported that ‘the considerable challenges that the school has faced since September 2016 have been tackled effectively by the Trust’.
We are proud to have been judged ‘Good’ for Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare, as this has been a focus this year through our new behaviour policy and projects such as ReflectEd. The report states that, “Pupils say they are happy, safe and enjoy coming to school.” Given that Ofsted visited the school during the last week of the summer term, this is a great achievement!
As Ofsted commented, ‘Everyone is united in, and keen to, improve the school further.’ Outcomes for 2018 are much improved (whereas only 34% of children achieved the expected standard in all Reading, Writing and Maths last year, this has increased to 48% in 2018), and the foundations have been laid for the school to be judged good at the next inspection.
We would like to thank all of our parents for their contribution to the improvements made, and for being “overwhelmingly supportive of leaders and the school”.
If you would like to find out more about our priorities for improvement this year, or you have any questions about the report, we are holding an information session for parents on Wednesday 26th September at 5.00pm. Please let the office know if you would like to attend.
If you would like a paper copy of the report, please let the school office know.